Monday, March 5, 2007

Update - March 5, 2007


It has been a while since I last posted. While it has been a busy few weeks, I am long overdue. Thanks so much for your faithfulness in visiting here. I check daily for traffic, and both amazed and grateful that you continue to visit. Thanks for carrying us on your hearts, and for your prayers for us.

This will be a quick update - I will provide a more thorough update this week. I just wanted to post tonight (0r this morning!) to get you up to date. Muggs has been feeling very well these last few days! She just goes and goes, and seems to rest a bit less than earlier on in the treatment. Last week, she made a couple of trips to the playground with the girls, and we all went to see Chandler in a play at The King's Academy on Saturday evening. He had a significant role, and did an excellent job - as did all of the kids. This may have been the first time some of our friends, who are also on staff at TKA had the opportunity to see Muggs since she started treatment.

This week (Wednesday) Muggs will receive her fourth treatment. She will receive the same chemotherapy drugs, with the new drug (Avastin) added to the treatment. The plan at this point is for her to receive fluids on Friday - to prevent the severe dehydration that she has experienced. This helped a great deal last time. She will likely have fluids again early the following week.

Since so many of you have commented on the specific prayer requests, I thought I would provide a few here. I am adding a couple of requests for some friends of ours as well. They are walking similar roads of suffering, and although I didn't ask their permission to include them here, I am sure they would appreciate your prayers. First, Chandler has a friend from school that has been battling an rare and extremely aggressive form of cancer. As I understand it, Joseph Lee was in remission for quite a while, but a tumor appeared in his bicep last fall. He has been undergoing chemo and radiation since then. A few weeks ago, as they were consulting with the surgeon who was to remove the tumor, the surgeon found no evidence of the tumor - it had disappeared! We praise the God who heals - both miraculously, and through the common grace of medicine.

Here are some requests to help inform your prayers:

Muggs' white blood cell count is low (after a check this week). Please pray for protection against infection. A couple of the children have been sick recently, and we are thankful that Muggs didn't catch whatever was going around

  • Please pray for Muggs this week as she receives the medication - that the side effects will be minimal and managed effectively
  • Pray that we would continue to depend on the sufficiency of Christ, and press-in to Him during this time, and be aware of our desperate need. We want to experience all that He has for us, and hear Him more clearly
  • Please pray for our friends - Doug and Debby. Doug is battling colon cancer, and is having a particularly difficult time. He is currently hospitalized as a result of some side effects of his treatment. Debby has been a tremendous means of grace to us, and has served us - even as she is walking a difficult road as she cares for Doug and their children.
  • We became aware of another young woman who, about two years ago, was diagnosed with the same form of cancer that Muggs has. Sharon is still undergoing treatment, but is doing well these days. I had the chance to meet her husband Rob for breakfast a few weeks ago, and he has been an encouragement to me. They too, have young children. They are believers and are trusting God for Sharon's healing. Please pray for Sharon's continued improvement and healing.
Thanks again for all you do to care for us, both tangibly, and through your prayers on our behalf. We are so grateful for you. Our prayer for you is that you sense God's pleasure for the way you have ministered to us during this time.


Anonymous said...

Though we might not post daily or even weekly, you are in our prayers many times during the day. We will be lifting Muggs up this week as well as the other people you mentioned.

Anonymous said...

I just want to you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

In His Love,
Angela (Cristy's sister)

Anonymous said...

Muggs and family, thanks for this update Andy. I check it regularly, I pray for Muggs and you and your kids really regularly. GregDatHD

Anonymous said...

Hi Muggs and Andy - we are glad to hear that things are going well and you are resting in God's perfect peace. Energy and good wishes to all of you, Nancy and George

Anonymous said...

I think of you and your family often. I will continue to hope and pray for the best possible outcome.

John and Carol White said...

We're praying for each one of you, Ellises! Muggs, I am especially praying you will stay focussed on our steady God as you head into another round of chemo. I pray your heart would be at peace...and we continue to pray for complete healing.
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

Greetings Ellise family...just wanted you to know we continue to cover y'all in prayer and trust in the Great Physician. Thanks for your continued example of faith.

Anonymous said...

We give thanks to God for the news that Muggs is doing well these days. It makes our hearts glad. :-) We continue to pray and remember you guys in this season. May the white count drop and the treatment be effective.
God's peace to you! Love, Steve & Donna

Anonymous said...


I am praying for you and love you! I am thankful for you and it is a privledge to be your friend. When I see you, Joy is all over your face. You are fighting this fight with grace and faith! God is being glorified!!

Love to all the Elise family---Sara and Aaron Anderson

Anonymous said...

Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, [that] the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? [there is] no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to [them that have] no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40:28-31

We are praying that you will be strong in the power of His might!

Much Love to you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Andy and Muggs ~ Team Charlotte, NC is lifting you and the whole family up in prayer. Your fight and faith are inspiring. Thanks for the updates Andy. With love, Danny and LaGena

Anonymous said...

Hi, Andy & Muggs,
We were dismayed, of course, when we heard the news. But we know that God is faithful, and that Muggs will have a full dose of God's joy in this season for others to see. May you know God's full healing power. Bill & Carolyn & Daniel of Richmond

Liz said...

Thinking of you and praying that you will know God's grace and joy in a special way this evening. He is your "Ever Present Help in trouble'!
We love you and you remain in our thoughts and prayers!
Love, Liz and family

Anonymous said...

Happy Springtime Ellise family. I hope you are each hearing the new birds in the early morning, enjoying the fresh air in the late evening, and sensing a new awakening as a new Spring season unfolds. Though I can't say I ordered it just for you (I did), I will say that I thanked God for it and asked him to put a special ray of sunshine on your house. Ok, I admit it, I love being outdoors and I love knowing Andy's strong arms are around his family this evening! Muggs, you can do it--with or without our help. Know that our help, prayers, and songbirds are yours. Smiles to you Ellise7, gregD of HD.

Anonymous said...

Hi Muggs,
God has really been putting you on our hearts lately. It's amazing to see God's grace as we read these updates. We're praying for complete healing for you and strength, courage and continued faith for Andy and the kids.

Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him and I am helped.

Love and Blessings to you all!
Deb & Dave S.

Anonymous said...

We are lifting you up today! Thanks for the update from Andy and we will continue to pray with you!
Craig and Carol Ann

natebauers said...

Love you all Ellise Family. May this upcoming week prove yet again the unfailing love and faithfulness of our Savior. Praying for you guys, love you all.

John and Carol White said...

Muggs -
This morning as you prepare for the week (CT scan, etc), may you be very aware that His mercies are new this morning. His compassions never fail toward you! I am praying for you...
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Haven't forgotten you Muggs, Andy and children. You know if we all fail in remembering, Who NEVER will. And He still works miracles.....

Love you,