Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Update - May 23, 2007 (Updated Below Friday May 25th)

(Updated Below - Monday May 28th)

Friends and Family,

I have struggled all day with this posting... eloquent words escape me as I communicate today's update with you. On Monday, we learned that there are cancer cells present in Muggs spinal fluid, and that these are the cause of the severe headaches and nausea that she has been experiencing. This is not good news. The doctors believe that they can help relieve some of the pain, and "buy her a little more time" by treating the brain with radiation. Chemotherapy would not be an effective treatment protocol. Naturally, we were taken aback by this news, as we had seen such a great response from the chemotherapy.

The most difficult task I have ever faced, was delivering this news to my precious children. And yet, this was also a holy moment, as through the pain, I spoke to them about the faithfulness of God, and about how all of his purposes for us are for our good. We don't understand this - the children don't, and I don't. But, were clinging to the promises of Romans 8:28-29.

Christmas before last, Annie had a bird feeder on her Christmas list. We've enjoyed watching the birds very much. This morning, as I was watching them, I sensed the Lord speaking to me...

"Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without my knowledge... Do I not love your children more that these? for as much you love your children, My love for them is greater still... My design for them and my plans for them are for good, and not for harm. I will demonstrated my faithfulness in the lives of your children"

We are all hurting deeply. But the presence of sorrow, doesn't indicate an absence of faith. I am choosing to trust God, and I am encouraging the children to trust God. Please continue to pray for us - here are a few specifics:

  • We are still praying for complete healing for Muggs, please join us in praying as well.
  • Pray that the radiation is effective for relieving the severe headache, the nausea, and for killing all cancer in the fluid. (Muggs is experiencing significant pain)
  • Pray that I, and each of the children, would experience the active presence of the Lord - that we would experience His comfort, and experience His peace in a way that surpasses our understanding.

Thank you for caring for and praying for us during these last six months. We have been sustained by the Lord, and are so grateful for your prayers. I will post as there are new developments.


I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:14-17

Update: Friday May 25th

As of this morning, Muggs is still in the hospital. She wants desperately to come home for the weekend, and her doctors have been working valiantly to make this happen. However, she has been experiencing episodes of tremendous pain, such that she needs very powerful narcotics to keep her comfortable. I genuinely praise God for the common grace of medicines that will allow her to rest, and not suffer. Although, Muggs' doctor is prepared to order in-home nursing care, they arent here around the clock, and in fact, would only be here for a short time on Saturday, and a short time on Monday. Having witnessed the episodes of pain that she's had, I am unwilling to risk having her away from immediate care. Should she have one of these episodes at home, it would simply take too long to get her relieved of the pain, and I cant bear the thought of this.

We have been hoping, and are still hopeful, that the radiation will begin to kill-off the cancer cells that are causing the lining of her brain to swell. This is what is causing the horrible pain. So far, she has only received two treatments, and it generally takes several to start working. My plea to the Lord is that we would see benefit from the radiation, and have her able to come home - please join me in praying for this as well. Please pray also, that we continue to trust God during this time, and that our faith would be strengthened. We are feeling pretty desperate right now.

Updated: Monday May 28th, 2007

Its just about 1:00 am on Monday as I record this update. I have been with Muggs nearly around the clock since she was admitted last Sunday evening after suffering a seizure at home. This week has been most difficult, as I have watched Muggs suffer - and become increasingly confused. The confusion is being caused by both the disease in the Central Nervous System, and the medications she is receiving for pain control.We are still hoping that she will benefit from the radiation treatment. She has received 4 already, and I believe there are 10 or 12 planned. The radiologist was most kind to come into the office and bring-in staff, on a day when he is normally closed, just so Muggs would not have to wait the entire three-day weekend for a treatment. It is hard to tell if she is benefiting from the radiation just yet. We are so hopeful that she will, and treatments will resume on Tuesday after the holiday.

It has been such an honor to be with her during this time. Although difficult, it has been my joy to serve and to comfort her throughout the difficult days and nights. We have shared many tender moments, even though through most of them, she is confused. There is a sweetness, even a sacredness to the time we are sharing. God has extended extraordinary grace to her to walk through this time, and this is so very evident. I'd like to share some of these with you, and will do so in time. In the meantime, please do keep praying for us - the last prayer requests I posted are still current. For those of you who have taken the time to do so, I would like to thank you for leaving comments. They provide great encouragement, and point us to our Hope, and our Savior. This is a particularly effective way to encourage us, and remind us of His truth. We love you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Interim Update - May 22, 2007

Friends and Family,

Over the last two days, traffic here on the blog has been at its highest level since it was established last December. My sense is that God is placing us on your hearts, and stirring you to intercede for us. That is not without reason... Muggs is still hospitalized, and the doctors have been doing some additional testing. I know that I owe you an update, but have not yet been able to provide one. I do have an update in progress that will post sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers offered on our behalf. Please check back tomorrow (Wednesday) for an update.

Our most pressing need is for relief from the sever headaches and nausea that Muggs is experiencing. The headaches are debilitating, and she needs relief. Please entreat the Lord to deliver her from these.

For the Family,


Monday, May 21, 2007

Back in the Hospital

While taking a shower last night, Muggs lost consciousness and and fell - though from not very far, as she was sitting on a stool. However, she experienced weakness / paralysis on her left side. She was again taken by ambulance to the Kennestone Hospital. We don't have the full run-down, and are waiting to see the doctors. I will post an update as things become more clear. Please continue to pray for us.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Going Home Today!


Muggs' oncologist just left, and has decided to let Muggs go home. Although we don't yet have the results from the cytology study, Muggs is showing some improvement. She will still need to stay hydrated, and receive medication for the headaches and nausea until this passes. She will see the doctor in the office on Monday. We are hopeful, that this is just a virus. All of the blood work "looks really good", and the indicators from the other tests done so far, point to a good result on the cytology study as well. We wont know about this until later - perhaps Monday.

Thanks for carrying us on your heart. We certainly are happy to be going home today!


Update - May 18, 2007

Friends and Family,

If you havent visited here in the last few days, you may want to read the "Urgent" update that I posted two days ago. The doctors are still trying to determine the cause of the severe headaches that Muggs started experiencing last Friday. So far, tests for bacterial meningitis have come back negative, and we are still awaiting the cytology report that will tell us whether there were cancer cells present in the spinal fluid. When we met with the oncologist late yesterday, she was hoping that they would be available this morning, but as of about 7AM, when the neurologist came by on rounds, they were not. The hope is, that this is simply a viral infection that Muggs' body will just have to fight off. Hopefully, we'll know shortly. We are expecting the oncologist any time now.

Much of the pain has been alleviated by the medication that Muggs is receiving. She is still experiencing periodic nausea. As you can imagine, she is getting weary of feeling so badly. We very much appreciate your prayers for us. Here are some specific ways that you can pray.

  • For relieve from the pain and nausea.
  • For the test results to come back quickly, and that there would be no cancer present in the fluid.
  • That her pain and nausea would improve, so that she can be released today
  • That Muggs be restored to total health

Thanks for the ways that each of you have served us. We love you, and are strengthened by your prayers, support, and encouragement. I will post again as soon as we have new information to share with you.

For the family,


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Urgent Update - May 16, 2007

The past several days have been particularly difficult for Muggs. Despite having received her last treatment nearly a month ago, she has been very sick these last few days. She has battled abdominal pain, and nausea, and most troubling, a very painful and unrelenting headache.

Having spent most of the weekend in bed, we finally called the doctor on Sunday. We spoke about a number of possibilities, and concluded that she likely needed fluids. Then, the doctor said that if the fluids did not relieve the headache, then she needed to have an MRI - not what we wanted to hear. However, God was again merciful, and we received the results quickly. The MRI was negative - no tumors were found in her brain.

Muggs was given a prescription for a pain reliever specifically for migraines. The first dosage worked very well, but subsequent dosages have not been particularly effective. All day today, Muggs has battled significant pain. I called the doctor, and she felt that Muggs should be taken to the emergency room. She was transported there ambulance late this afternoon, and has been admitted for testing. There are a number of possibilities. Since her immune system is compromised - an effect of the chemotherapy - this could be an infection. It could be a migraine headache brought about by the treatment or by dehydration. There is also the possibility that cancer cells have spread to the spinal fluid. The neurologist drew some spinal fluid tonight to evaluate all possibilities, and we should begin getting results back tomorrow, but may not have all of them back until the day after tomorrow.

Throughout this trial, we have found God to be true to His promises. We will remain steadfast in our trust in Him for this new development. We are desperate for your prayers for healing, and restoration of health for Muggs. I will update you further as details emerge. As always, thanks for caring for us the way you do.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day Sweetheart!

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life....She rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household...She dresses herself with strength, and makes her arms strong...Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tounge. She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." From Proverbs 31

Today, we honor you, sweetheart... You are a true gift from God, and we love you very much!

Andy & The Children,

Thursday, May 10, 2007

PET Scan Results - May 10, 2007

Throughout the day today, God has recalled to my mind, the passage from James that our pastor read when he informed our church about Muggs’ diagnosis:

“Count it all joy my brothers, when you encounter trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”.

This has been a trial – one we didn’t anticipate, and one we certainly would not have chosen for ourselves. This road has been a difficult one, but in the crucible, we have experienced the goodness, kindness, and faithfulness of God – he has met us here. That is not to say that there have not been times of doubt, fear and pain. These emotions have all been present, even prevalent at times. Still, God has demonstrated his care for us in so many unexpected ways. Consider these words from Isaiah 40:

“…the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him. He tends to his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those who have young.

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales, and the hills in a balance? Who has understood the mind of the Lord, or instructed him as his counselor? Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge, or showed him the path of understanding?

…Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told to you from the beginning? …He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its peoples are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. He brings princes to naught, and rulers of this world to nothing… ‘To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?’ says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all of these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power, not one of them is missing.”

Most of us have read these words many times. When things seem to be going pretty well, I think we tend to forget their significance. Yet, God speaks into our lives through suffering. I read these words differently now. Through them, I am aware, not only of his great power, but of his specific care for us.

Muggs’ diagnosis of cancer did not catch God off guard – And though it surprised us, it didn’t surprise him. I am seeking his heart though this time, and though I don’t fully understand, I am endeavoring to trust in his plan for us.

There are a number of things that we have learned during this season. Here are a few of them:

• I have come to realize that our lives are but a teeny “blip” on the timeline of eternity. It challenges me with regard to how I spend my time. I am not nearly intentional enough in a number of important areas

• Through your example, we have learned how to better care for others who are suffering. So many of you have modeled the love and care of Christ before our family during this time of trial. We so much appreciate your care, and I trust that you are aware of our gratefulness, and that you sense the pleasure of God.

• We have become more aware of the suffering of others, and of the fact that suffering is one of the ways that we identify with Christ.

• We have learned that the pain that accompanies times like this, and faith are not mutually exclusive – that sorrow does not indicate the absence of faith. There have been times of deep pain and sorrow – but in our heart, we know that God is working this for our good. We don’t understand it all – but we are endeavoring to trust the heart of God.

Tonight, as I deliberated the choice between updating the blog and procrastinating, I received an anonymous comment here on the blog (I receive them on my Blackberry)… The writer encouraged us by reminding us of their prayers, and the prayers of others. Then closed by saying “Thank you for allowing us to walk with you through this journey". I knew then that procrastination was not an option - you have been so faithful in your care for us, I knew I owed you a timely update.

Mugg’s PET Scan Results

We received the results of the PET Scan today, and they looked good. There was significant improvement in the mass in the upper lobe of her lung, with only slight “uptake” – meaning that there were far fewer living cancer cells present in the primary tumor. Additionally, there was significant improvement in the pleural fluid, and in the lymph nodes in her chest. Also, there were no new lesions noted – meaning that there was not new cancer found. We are so grateful to God for this good report.

Muggs is finished with chemotherapy for now. But the cumulative effect of the chemotherapy has been hard on her, and she has not felt well for a couple of weeks now. Needless to say, she is growing weary of not feeling well. The doctor is recommending that we don’t begin with the Tarceva (maintenance drug) just yet. She wants for Muggs to recover some from the chemo, and doesn’t want to introduce medicine that will cause more side effects. Muggs will continue on the Avastin (not a chemotherapy drug) every three weeks as long as it is working. The doctor said that we would save the Tarceva “until we need it”

We are very pleased with the report, as you can imagine. Unfortunately, some patients get no results from chemotherapy, so we are thankful for the good care we are receiving, and for God intervening to bring healing so far.

In closing, I never want to neglect to thank you for the means of grace you have been to us. So many of you have carried us on your hearts, blessed us with meals, and diligently interceded for us. We have been humbled by your kindness and care for us – and we are so very grateful.

For the family,


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Finally! An Update - Long Overdue

Friends and Family:

I know its been an awfully long time since Ive updated the blog. Its been a busy season, and I have not been able to "carve out" the time - but here we go...

Two weeks ago, Muggs had what we hope will be her last chemotherapy treatment for a while ... hopefully for forever. She received six treatments, one every three weeks. Two measurements taken by CT Scan showed that the primary tumor is shrinking and therefore is responding to the treatment. In theory, this means that the cancer cells are "dying off", hence, the reduction in size. She has also completed the radiation therapy for the tumor in her femur. In total, she received twelve treatments of radiation, with minimal side effects. However, its hard to tell, given all of the medication she has been receiving. The toxicity of the chemotherapy causes a number of strange side effects, and it is difficult to tell whether the radiation contributed to any of these.

Tomorrow, Muggs is scheduled for a PET Scan, to look (biologically) at her body to evaluate what cancer may still exist, and where. We will receive the results of the scan on Thursday May 1oth. So many of you have been faithful to pray for us during this season, and we could use your prayers as we await the results of this scan. As for next steps, if the PET scan "looks good" then she will begin taking a maintenance medication called Tarceva. If it doesn't look as good as the doctor hopes, then we have to option of taking two more treatments of the current regimen of chemotherapy.

While Muggs is understandably weary, and ready to move on from treatment, she is to be commended for the way she has walked through this season. She continues to keep a quiet mind, and rarely is she heard complaining, even though she seldom feels well. She is an example of what it means to suffer well. Neither of us would have chosen this trial, yet God is producing fruit in our lives, and fruit in the lives of others.

While there is a certain sense of loneliness that accompanies those who suffer, there is also a real awareness that there are so many who are walking this road with us. So many have served us in such practical ways, and we are so very grateful for you. You are to be commended as well - you have demonstrated biblical greatness, as evidenced by the way you have served and cared for us. You have sent flowers and practical gifts, prepared so many delicious meals, written cards and notes, watched our children, and run errands. You have called, and you have PRAYED!

You have been an example to us in the way that you have served so unselfishly. And, you have helped us (me, in particular) cultivate humility. Its not my preference to be served - and its difficult to be in a position to "need" others. "Thank you" seems too trite to adequately express our gratitude for you.

I have much more that I would like to share with you, but need to close for now. I will not wait so long before posting again, and I will certainly post after our appointment on May 10th. Until then, here are a few prayer requests, so that you can pray specifically:

  • For complete remission of cancer and total healing for Muggs
  • That Muggs would continue to gain strength and have relief from the symptoms of treatment. She is experiencing many aches and pains resulting from the treatment. Please entreat the Lord to deliver her from these.
  • That we would cast our care on God, who cares for us.
  • That ALL of our confidence, and ALL of our hope, would rest in Him alone.
For the family,


"More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope..." Romans 5:3-4