Monday, April 2, 2007

Update - April 2, 2007

Friends and Family,

Although the hour is late, I want to provide an update on Muggs' radiology visit today. We were encouraged by the confirmation that the tumor that was "newly discovered" in her leg, is the same spot that was identified as an "anomaly" on the first PET Scan. Our concern was that this would be truly new, despite nearly a full course of very toxic chemotherapy - this would have been most concerning. However, praise God this is not the case, and it is now clear that the tumor has been there all along.

Some may be asking the same questions that we are, relative to the therapeutic effect of the chemotherapy on the tumor in the leg. The answer we have been given (and have had confirmed) is that the primary tumor is showing good response because it is in an area rich with blood supply, whereas the bones don't receive as rich a blood supply. So, it just follows logically, that it would not respond as readily as the primary tumor.

In any case, the radiologist feels like they can address this tumor adequately with 10 rounds of radiation with minimal to no side effects. The treatments will run on concurrent days through the weekdays beginning on April 9th.

Thank you so very much for continuing to pray for us. Please keep praying and believing for Muggs' total healing from all cancer. We so value you, and are strengthened by your prayers.

For the family,



WornNeck said...

Thanks for the update. What a trying time. You are all in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bro! We are continuing in prayer for Muggs' total healing & restoration! Be encouraged... GOD IS GOOD! - Nick C.

Anonymous said...


I just can't tell you how grateful I am to the Lord for how you are experiencing His grace and mercy in the midst of a very challenging time.

Our family continues to pray for you guys regularly, and we know that He will carry you in His strong and loving arms!!

Your friends,
Steve & Donna

Anonymous said...

We love you all and are lifting you up continually. We are praying God will meet you in a new way with a new refreshing every day, dear friends. Love, Julie and Oby

Sara said...

Love you all and thinking about you often. I pray you will experience fresh strength and fresh grace today!! I love you muggs!

Love, Sara

Anonymous said...


What encouraging news!! I rejoice.
I am so thankful. I had hoped
for this. Cindy C.

Anonymous said...

THanks for sharing this encouraging news, but even more for sharing your journey of faith - as it so often is, you are blessing us that are hoping to bless you.

Taped to my computer is the following that I feel led to share with y'all - FAITH is believing when you don't see it, obeying when I don't like it, giving when I don't have it, persisting when I don't feel like it, trusting when I don't understand it, thinking before I have received it.

There may be 1000 shadows but the blessings are too numerous to count - Praise be to God.

in love and prayer for you
the Cooks

Anonymous said...

Dear Muggs and Andy, We are glad that things remain positive for you and that you are continually encouraged by God's presence in your lives. Despite the lack of recent updates we pray the radiation treatments are going well. Love, Nancy and George

Anonymous said...

Twenty days now since the last post and it is wonderful to say that Muggs looked great 3 days ago when I was able to join her at an Alpha meeting.
What a joy to witness God's Spirit glowing in your countenance Muggs!
He has you firmly in His hands.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Muggs, Andy & kids

Wanted you to know I was thinking about you and lifting you in prayer at this very moment.

in His love
Teresa Cook

Anonymous said...

"Not a nerve or tissue, valve or vessel, of our bodily organization is uncared for; all the littles of our little world are thought upon by the great God."
Encouraging words from Spurgeon today. May you have a great sense this care today.
